Terms of Use for Acquired Products:
The client is granted usage rights by Hera N. Hunter (hereinafter referred to as contractor) as follows:
The client is entitled to use the graphic created by contractor on its website, online shop, and social media channels.
The client is entitled to use the graphic created by contractor in print media such as books, goodies, and flyers.
The client is entitled to use the graphic created by contractor for promotional videos, without making changes to the graphic itself.
The client is entitled to independently place the graphic created by contractor with a transparent background on a self-selected and suitable background. However, the visibility of the graphic and the license of the background used must be observed.
The client is entitled to use the graphic created by contractor as a whole.
2.Not Granted:
The client is not allowed to use the graphic created by contractor in connection with criminal activities.
The client is not allowed to make alterations to the graphics created by contractor, such as adding additional elements.
The client is not allowed to cut out the graphic created by contractor, apply filters (distortions, glitch, vignette, glitter, blur, etc.), or change its color.
The client is not allowed to independently add or remove text.
The client is not allowed to independently create additional formats.
The client is not allowed to use the graphic created by contractor without proper copyright.
The client is not allowed to resell the graphic created by contractor.
The client is not allowed to transfer the graphic created by contractor to a third party without consultation with contractor. Sub-licenses are invalid.